RiverCity Honored to Be Named NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers

NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers Award for RiverCity Music Store and Academy

Mark Green |

RiverCity: NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers

We are proud and honored to be named NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers for transforming music education and a music store for outstanding work in supporting our community in Salem, Oregon and the Willamette Valley.

Rivercity team at  NAMM Top 100 Dealer Award Store

In the vibrant tapestry of Salem's music scene, RiverCity Rock Star Academy & Music Store quietly stands as a testament to the beauty of music, the strength of community, and the value of modest beginnings. Our journey as a family business to being recognized as a NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers has been anything but a solo performance. It's a narrative woven with countless individuals—students, customers, teachers, staff, partners, vendors, friends, family, and the Salem community—who've each left an indelible mark on our hearts and our mission.

A Journey Made Possible by You

first class 2015 show Salem Oregon
rivercity teen group opening for touring bands

Our story begins in 2015 with a simple intention: how about we try to make a commitment to Salem by trying something different in offering a teen-focused music performance-based experiment. While we had a business plan and years of experience in education we never thought nine years later we would still be here yet alone being recognized for an international industry award. Even in the darkest moments and the family joke we say why are we doing this again? It only lasts a few moments because there is something that just gives us energy and focuses on what else we would do, sit on the couch and miss out on all of this that keeps life interesting and worthwhile.

At the heart of RiverCity is woven with the threads of countless individuals who have walked through our doors, shared their music, and contributed their unique energies to our collective journey. We are deeply thankful to each person who has participated in this adventure. Your support, enthusiasm, and belief in our mission have been the keystones of our success. Our mission is simple: we truly believe everyone is a musician, and music can improve our lives and the world not only for one minute today but for a lifetime.

From the outset, RiverCity was built on simple, enduring values: treat others as you wish to be treated and strive to do your best every day. Our focus has always been clear—to foster a space where the joy of music can flourish, supported by the principles of the golden rule. This ethos has guided us through every decision, every challenge, and every opportunity to make a difference. Do we hit the mark every time? Not even close, but it is the journey that makes life interesting. 

Being recognized as one of NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers is a tremendous honor, yet it pales in comparison to the joy and fulfillment we gain from our daily interactions with all of you. Your stories, music, and dreams fuel our passion and drive our commitment to excellence, proudly being different, and providing opportunities to everyone.

students having fun performing on stage
salem teen music class performing

Growth Through Challenges

Our path has not been without its hurdles. From the trials of a devastating fire to navigating the unprecedented challenges of a global pandemic, we've faced each obstacle with resilience, guided by the belief in our shared vision. These challenges have not only tested our resolve but have strengthened our bonds and deepened our gratitude for the community that stands with us.

It is in these moments of adversity that we've seen the true strength of our RiverCity family. The support and solidarity from our students, teachers, staff, and community members have been overwhelming, reminding us that together, we can overcome any challenge.

While being named one of NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers is an incredible honor, the real rewards of our work are measured in the smiles, the talents nurtured, the laughter shared, and the moments of musical breakthrough that fill our academy and store. These are the profits we cherish—the ones that enrich our hearts and remind us why we embarked on this journey.

At the Heart of It All: People

As we reflect on this recognition and look to the future, we are reminded that our business is about people at its core. We are immensely proud of the community we've built and the relationships we've nurtured. Our aim has always been to provide opportunities, to add value, and to enrich our community through the power of music.

Our vision is simple yet profound: do the right thing, always look to add value, and believe that good things will follow. This philosophy has steered us through the years and remains our guiding light as we continue to serve and grow with our community.

Creating Oregon's largest free music festival, Make Music Salem, and providing over $120.000 scholarships for music lessons and performance programs are just some of the ways we've sought to give back. Yet, these initiatives are not badges of honor but expressions of our commitment to accessibility and community engagement. They are our way of saying 'thank you' and ensuring that the transformative power of music is available to everyone.

NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers - Salem-Keizer Proud

Our dedication to excellent customer service, support for local artists, and participation in community events is driven by a belief in being a good neighbor and partner. We step up, not because it's expected, but because we genuinely care about our community's well-being and the vibrant culture of Salem. This commitment is woven into the fabric of RiverCity, reflecting our modest aspiration to make a lasting, positive impact—one person, one note at a time.

concert for salem fire department
first day of no covid restrictions fire 2021

The journey of RiverCity, marked by overcoming adversity such as a fire and navigating the challenges of a pandemic, has only reinforced our underdog spirit. We've learned that growth and resilience often spring from the toughest times. Unlike entities driven by distant interests, our roots and decisions are firmly planted in the soil of Salem, nourished by genuine care for our community, music, and the people who make it all possible. More than ever it is important to support our local businesses as they make a difference everyday because they think differently and most care about their employees, communities, customers, and our bold-enough to try to do what they think is best beyond quarterly profits and stripping value and communities apart. 

A Commitment to the Long Term

As we look ahead, our vision remains grounded in the principles that have brought us this far: to continue adding value to our community, fostering musical talent, and living by the golden rule. We are here to create a legacy of positivity, hoping to inspire and impact lives for the long term, even if it's just one person at a time. 

teen rock show salem
adult rock show salem oregon drummer

To everyone who has been a part of our story so far, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your support, talent, and laughter are the melodies that make RiverCity a home for music lovers. We invite you to continue this journey with us, sharing in the music, the challenges, and the triumphs that lie ahead.

In every note played, and every smile shared, we find our purpose reaffirmed—a simple yet profound reminder that, at the end of the day, our business, our mission, and our lives are all about the people we're fortunate enough to serve and grow with.

Winning the NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers is inspiring, and we look to continue to add more unique performance-based music classes such as Regents Jazz Ensemble, Ranchers Country Music Class, Reapers Metal Class, and more to come. We continue to hire the most passionate, committed, and amazingly talented music teachers, covering almost every instrument and type of music. We have more music workshops and group classes planned for 2024. Finally, we plan to extend and bring to Salem an extended and fun musical instrument shopping experience, providing the best customer service and guitar, instrument, and amp repair services in the area. 

Winning a NAMM 2024 Top 100 Dealers Award is a fantastic milestone, but our sights are set on the long term. We are dedicated to creating lasting opportunities for musical expression and education, ensuring that RiverCity remains a haven for aspiring musicians and a pillar in the Salem music scene.

As we move forward, we do so with a heart full of gratitude, a spirit energized by our community, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact. We invite you to join us on this continuing journey to share in our music, our dreams, and our future successes.

Thank you to our students, teachers, customers, staff, and the Salem community. This recognition belongs to you. Together, let's keep the music playing and the spirit of the community strong.

Thank you all again for making it possible!

Karen, Danielle, & Mark Green

Salem - Keizer Oregon NAMM Top 100 Dealer Award Store